Friday, April 13, 2007

Rukaavat ke liye khed hai.......krupaya prateeksha karte rahe

Been a long time since yours truly has put the fingertips to the keyboard(a very feeble attempt at trying to parallel realistically the usage of 'puttin a pen to the paper') ..... I dont have a dedicated blog viewership like most people do, but out of the single digit range of people I do know who manage to find their way onto my URL, i am happy to note that they have actually noted that there has been no movement on my blog content for months now....... and more especially for the fact that i have not published my movie reviews, which I have made the core base of my blogging.
I am aware that my reviews are as amateurish as they get, but then most of the people i know are amateurs too......... and who better than an amateur to review them and let them know whether the review can help their decision making process...i.e. if they can get Lavin the ass to watch a movie beforehand and let them know whether its value-for-money and what sort of company to take along.....if the movies good, then they wudnt have a problem shelling out 150 bucks to watch a good movie alone or with friends. If the movies bad, its time to spend some 'quality time' with your girl... paying 150*2 bucks for an airconditioned enclosure that definitely guarantees you more privacy than the next best love-spot in the maximum city called Mumbai.
In either case, i am helping the multiplex guy earn his livelihood......
For those who wonder, whether i stopped blogging, esp movie reviews in the last few months, because i have aint seen any movies in the recent past...... well u cudnt have been more off target... statistics reveal I have watched more movies in the months leading to October2006-Mar 2007 than i would have watched in the immediate calendar year.
I have watched some pretty good movies... The Departed (twice..and wisecracks yes..i got it the first time.....allright), Blood Diamond (twice again), Last King of Scotland.. and have watched some average ones like Water (come on.. I didnt think the movie was that great shakes..... remember , I am supposed to be an amateur reviewer) and some pretty downright bakwaas stuff like Salaam-E-Ishk. It was not the dearth of movies that led to the slowdown in the blogging......... Its just that my personal life has taken such a dramatic turn (and for the good, I must add).
I am happy to let the world know that most of my weekend time in this stated period has been spent in the company of my ex-school mate -cum-firstcrush-cum benchpartner-turned life partner. And these wonderful weekends left me so distracted that my blogging has taken a complete backseat.
And i still expect it to take a backseat(inspite of being far away in London.. away temporarily from my partner)....... so for anyone reading this.. I repeat..... rukavat ke liye khed hai..... krupaya prateeksha karte rahein..........................