I hated X-files. I couldnt understand what was the fuss about aliens on this planet.... i hated all science fiction based serials and movies... i just could'nt digest them.
When i heard about 'Heroes', my first reaction was that this is not for me. My niece Shilpa got me the entire season 1 videos, and i was hesitant to watch it. In fact, i guess i copied only the 1st 11 episodes, as i was convinced i would never watch it, and even if i did manage to watch one, i wouldnt like it.
A day came when I was really bored, and had really nothing to do.....so i thought why not. And guess what, i picked up the 11th episodes to watch... because it was titled as 'Six months back'.....
i was entirely confused by the going-ons...... but what ignited an interest was the way the serial moved... traversing across the stories of the multiple characters, and trying to tie them together.
Some weeks later i was even more bored, and i thought i will try 'Heroes' again.. and this is where i realised i had watched the wrong episode first. And from then i was hooked on. Once i complete the 11 videos, I had..... i was desperate for more..... and thankfully my broadband and an internet site came to the rescue allowing me to watch online videos for free. And thats how i completed all videos for season 1.
'Heroes' is the story of several characters, who discover that they are blessed with supernatural ability.Almost all of these characters are blessed with only one specific power like flying, ability to time-travel, hypnotise, raw power, ability to walk through barriers, read other's mind, ability to figure out a person's location, hearing ability, re-generate and heal body parts, be invisible, paint the future and so on. One of them - Peter Pitrelli- is blessed with the ability to imbibe all the abilities from the heroes by virtue of proximity. He is one of the good heroes.
The main theme of episode 1 is the introduction of the heroes, and their special abilities, as also how the good heroes come together via circumstances to save the world from a predicted disaster triggered by one of the bad heroes.The villain in the piece is Skylar, who has the ability to understanding how things work, and uses that knowledge to kill the heroes and acquire their special abilities. And there is an indian connection too.. the story is triggered by an Indian scientist who predicts the existence of such people, and devotes his entire life to find such people..... and his son takes over his mantle after the father is murdered by Skylar.....
The 20 + episodes involve a gradual revealing of links between the heroes, and that seems to make up for a complex story. Add to that ability to time-travel, and things get more complicated. But you cant help being riveted, as the story unfolds.
At no point do you feel the story is letting off steam..... you cant wait for the next episode.. lucky me.. i had all episodes on demand.... so i was relatively luck not to go through agony of waiting for a week for what happens next..... like most others wud have...
Now i cant wait to watch season 2... i am told that the characters are all new...... and the so is the story line.. looks like i am not going to be bored for some time.
My advice is... watch it, if u havent... and if you have, i neednt tell you anything more.....
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